Joint Disaster Medicine and Public Health Ecosystem
The National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health (NCDMPH) recently established a nationwide “Ecosystem to Advance Science, Operations, and Education in Disasters.” The Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies (CHRHS) is one of the 18 partners chosen to be on standby to receive rapid research funding from the NCDMPH in the event of a future disaster.
The Ecosystem is a collaboration of medical and public health partners across the country that allows NCDMPH to leverage diverse areas of expertise on behalf of the federal government. This model allows NCDMPH to draw on needed capabilities from multiple organizations with demonstrated excellence in medicine and public health. Most critically, the Ecosystem allows quick mobilization of resources.
Civilian-Military Humanitarian Coordination
Through a longstanding partnership between the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs and U.S Naval War College (NWC), CHRHS is dedicated to enhancing research, professional education, and a community of practice in humanitarian civilian-military coordination. Working in collaboration with the Humanitarian Response Program at NWC, we are breaking new ground within the humanitarian space, expanding upon the existing evidence base for effective coordination during humanitarian emergencies, developing new avenues for information sharing between humanitarian, military, and academic communities, and creating vibrant educational offerings for the multitude of actors who respond to crises.
CHRHS and InterAction have a longstanding partnership in conducting policy and advocacy focused work on the Protection of Civilians. InterAction is a convener, thought leader, and voice for NGOs working to eliminate extreme poverty, strengthen human rights and citizen participation, safeguard a sustainable planet, promote peace, and ensure dignity for all people. This partnership is reflected in three key ways: 1) CHRHS's membership in InterAction's Protection of Civilians Working Group, 2) the ongoing publication series on Security Assistance partnerships by InterAction, Security Assistance Monitor, and CHRHS, and 3) InterAction's meaningful participation in CHRHS's Annual Civil-Military Humanitarian Coordination Workshop series.
North American Alliance of Hazards and Disaster
CHRHS is a member organization of North American Alliance of Hazards and Disaster Research Institutes (NAAHDRI). NAAHDRI is dedicated to bringing together the leaders of hazards and disaster research centers and institutes throughout North America as well as partner individuals and organizations to advance research, education, advocacy, and action. In doing so, NAAHDRI seeks to provide a forum and structure for academic hazards and disaster research centers and institutes to communicate and cooperate to further research and its application.
Global Alliance on War, Conflict & Health
The Global Alliance on War, Conflict & Health is a global community aiming to strengthen action on war and conflict as threats to health, and to uphold justice and accountability as the foundations for peace and health. It brings together researchers, academics, practitioners and advocates who work to prevent war and promote sustainable peace; mitigate the effects of war and conflict on health; and support health rebuilding during and after conflict. Through research, collaboration, capacity building and advocacy, the Alliance seeks to advance this field of scholarship and practice, provide leadership, promote equitable partnerships, and amplify the voice of those most affected by war and conflict.