About the Program in Civil-Military Humanitarian Coordination
The Program in Civil-Military Humanitarian Coordination was created in 2020 with generous support from the Robert Dudley Harrington Jr. Charitable Foundation. The program leverages the existing Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies partnership with the U.S. Naval War College’s Humanitarian Military Support to break new ground within the humanitarian space, expanding upon the current evidence base for effective coordination during humanitarian emergencies, developing new avenues for information sharing between humanitarian, military and academic communities, and creating vibrant educational offerings for the multitude of actors who respond to crises.
Since 2016, CHRHS and the Naval War College have developed a robust partnership centered on improving the effectiveness of humanitarian operations when civilian and military actors are responding together or operating in the same geographic area. To accomplish this, the partnership focuses on expanding the evidence base for effective civilian-military coordination in humanitarian response while developing new information-sharing avenues between humanitarian, military and academic communities.