Hassan Ibrahim
Hassan Hussein Ibrahim is a humanitarian and development aid worker specialized in humanitarian cash coordination and markets, food security/livelihoods, social protection, climate, and economic resilience. He has over 14 years of experience working with international organizations, governments, communities, and private actors in East Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, and Sudan) and Asia (Afghanistan).
Hassan’s research interests focus on governance, social protection, climate change and anticipatory actions, economic resilience, and urbanization. He has had a progressive career in humanitarian and development field and is currently serving as Sudan Cash Working Group Programmatic Co-chair, coordinating humanitarian cash programs in response to the Sudan crisis. Prior to this, he worked as the Cash Working Coordinator in Afghanistan and was deployed to the World Food Program (WFP) Afghanistan Country Office as part of NORCAP-CashCap. Before that, Hassan was deployed to UNICEF Ethiopia, providing technical support for humanitarian cash transfers, child grants, and financial inclusion programs while also learning from UNICEF’s Social Protection Program in Ethiopia.
Before this assignment, Hassan served as an Economic Recovery and Development Technical Specialist with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Afghanistan and designed large scale climate change and economic recovery programs, a Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) Technical Specialist at Save the Children International (SCI) in the Somalia Country Office, and an FSL Program Manager with Save the Children in Southern States-Somalia. His early career included roles as an FSL Project Coordinator, Project Officer, and Assistant with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Somalia from 2011 to 2017, focusing on NRC’s cash transfer programs, food security, and livelihoods in South and Central Somalia.
Hassan holds a Master’s in Development Studies (MDS) and a Master’s in Peace, Governance, and Development (PGD)
Hassan has a couple of studies, after action reviews and support of practical guidelines for humanitarian aid including
- Cash-Based response to Herat Earthquake, Afghanistan After Action Review - June 2024. https://reliefweb.int/report/afghanistan/cash-based-response-herat-earthquake-afghanistan-after-action-review-june-2024
- Impact of Rural Urban Migration on Economic Sources in Mogadishu - Challenges and Opportunities. Scribd : https://bit.ly/2SCcpw1
- Contributed to “Anticipatory action and cash transfers for slow-onset hazards: Practitioners’ note for field testing” https://reliefweb.int/report/world/anticipatory-action-and-cash-transfers-slow-onset-hazards-practitioners-note-field-testing
- Afghanistan Cash & Voucher Working Group (CVWG): Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) and Setting the Transfer Value (TV) - Guidance Document, Updated September 2023, Approved by the CVWG October 2023. https://reliefweb.int/report/afghanistan/afghanistan-cash-voucher-working-group-cvwg-minimum-expenditure-basket-meb-and-setting-transfer-value-tv-guidance-document-updated-september-2023-approved-cvwg-october-2023