Jerome Marston
Jerome is a senior researcher at the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, a non-governmental human rights organization based in New York City. There, Jerome and his colleagues monitor and advocate against attacks on education, such as armed forces or groups bombing schools or using them as military bases, forced recruitment, and killings of school students and personnel. He co-authors the Education under Attack series and other reports and produces tools to strengthen data collection and analysis. Broadly speaking, Jerome’s areas of research are threats to human rights, civilian resilience during conflict, and urban violence. His academic research focuses on forced displacement due to gang violence in cities, coping strategies urban residents employ to weather violence, and the methodological and normative challenges of conducting fieldwork in violent contexts. While completing a PhD in Political Science at Brown University, Jerome carried out long-term fieldwork in Colombia, supported by a Fulbright-Hays grant.
Select publications and research
“Resisting Displacement: Leveraging Interpersonal Ties to Remain despite Criminal Violence in Medellín, Colombia.” 2020. Comparative Political Studies, 53(13): 1995–2028.
“Confronting Selection Bias: The Normative and Empirical Risks of Data Collection in Violent Contexts.” 2021. Geopolitics, 26(1): 159-192 (with Rebecca Bell-Martin).
“Migration in violent areas.” In Handbook on Latin American Migration, eds. Feldmann et al., forthcoming (with Rebecca Bell-Martin)
“The Urban Displaced: Fleeing Criminal Violence in Latin American Cities.” 2019. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre.
Education under Attack 2022. Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (with Marika Tsolakis and Felicity Pearce).
“Measuring the Impact of Attacks on Education in Palestine.” 2022. Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (with Marika Tsolakis).
“The Impact of Explosive Weapons on Education: A Case Study of Afghanistan.” 2021. Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (with Marika Tsolakis).