Jonathan Robinson
Jonathan Robinson is a specialist in multinational civilian-military interaction, conflict analysis, and human security. Jonathan has collaborated with numerous local, regional, and international humanitarian, civil society, and peace-building organizations for over 15 years, including spending nearly a decade working in conflict and post-conflict settings in the Middle East. He has supported Brown University’s Annual Civilian-Military Humanitarian Response Workshop and Research Symposium, the U.S. Naval War College’s Civilian Military Humanitarian Response Program, The Carter Center’s Syria Conflict Resolution Team, British and Swiss humanitarian NGOs, the United Nations Department of Safety and Security in Syria, and a British private security company in Iraq, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. In 2016, he founded Graduates in Security, an online platform dedicated to providing free resources to any student or graduate seeking a career in the security field. Since 2019, his research interests have focused on systems for civil-military interaction and the actions of assertive states in the humanitarian space. Jonathan is currently an assistant professor in the U.S. Naval War College’s International Programs Department and is a global fellow in his personal capacity. Any information, views, or opinions connected to this fellowship do not represent any official positions or endorsements from his current or former employers.
Robinson, Jonathan (2023) "Exploring Russia's Views on Humanitarian Aid in Syria," Fikra Forum, Washington Institute for Near East Policy. 4 January 2023.
Stall, Hampton; Hudson, Jennifer; Leendertse, Evan; Prasad, Hari; McNaboe, Chris; Shabb, Rana; and Robinson, Jonathan (2022) "Mapping Unexploded Ordance in Syria: Harnessing the Power of Open-Source", The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction: Volume 26: Issue 1, Article 10.
Bebbington, Carmen, Fang-Horvath, Sierra, Harrington, Georgia, Polatty, David, Robinson, Jonathan, (2022) “Reviewing Guidance and Perspectives on Humanitarian Notification Systems for Deconfliction”, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University.
Robinson, Jonathan (2022), “Russian Foreign Humanitarian Assistance Identifying Trends Using 15 Years of Open-Source Data”, Expeditions with the Marine Corps University Press (Digital Journal)
Robinson, Jonathan and Baade, Christoph (2021), "Measuring Explosive Munitions Use with Open-Source Data: A New Tool for Enhancing Humanitarian Mine Action," The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction: Volume 25: Issue 1, Article 24.
Robinson, Jonathan (2021), “Five years of Russian aid in Syria proves Moscow is an unreliable partner”, The Atlantic Council’s MENASource.
Robinson, Jonathan (2020), “Russian aid in Syria: An underestimated instrument of soft power”, The Atlantic Council’s MENASource.
Robinson, Jonathan and Sosnowski, Marika (2020), “Mapping Russia’s soft power efforts in Syria through humanitarian aid”, The Atlantic Council’s MENASource.