Samia Qumri
Samia Qumri has worked with UNICEF and UNHCR-Jordan on the Syrian response both in urban settings and the three camps for Syrian refugees in Jordan. Engaging with refugees and asylum seekers in Jordan and the MENA region, she has worked as researcher on refugee issues, focusing on the impact of state policies on migration management. Qumri holds a MA in International Affairs with her thesis completed on the case of ‘Iraqi refugees’ influx in Jordan’. For 3-years she has undertaken in-depth research on the topic of education in emergency for the case of Iraqi children in Jordan; generating knowledge of education's role in fragility dynamics in the countries ravished by wars and, thereby, providing feedback on the approach to education and fragility. Since the uprising of the Syrian crisis, Qumri has been integrating ‘Innovation in Emergencies’ working with UNHCR cash team helping to roll out the biometrics and e-voucher systems for a cash transfer programme, and through collaboration with UNICEF-innovation and Implementing Partners in camps, incorporating social innovation in UNICEF programmes and activities and overseeing the ‘Innovation Lab’ established in the Zaatari camp in Jordan.
“The Political Ramifications of Forced Migration: The Case of Iraqi Migrants in Jordan”, CERMAM (Study and Research Centre for the Arab and Mediterranean World) Geneva, September 2007
“Emergency Education: A new perspective on donor participation.” The childRIGHT. The Children’s Legal Centre, University of Essex, UK March 2009
“Emergency Education: A Perspective on Iraqi Children in Jordan.” Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute, London UK published in March 2010
"Iraqi Refugee Children's Quest for Education in Jordan" 05 Jun Taylor & Francis Online, Volume24,Issue2,2012