Samrawit Melles
Samrawit has more than ten years of experience in the areas of Gender Based Violence (GBV) Prevention and Response both in development and humanitarian settings. She has worked with different governmental, non-governmental, Community Based Organizations and UN agencies to establish and improve gender and GBV systems in different capacities toward improving the wellness of women and girls. Samrawit has worked directly with refugees, Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and local communities and has experience working globally and nationally providing direct case management and psychosocial support services, coordinating with different agencies to establish systems to support survivors of GBV. Samrawit is part of the SASA! global technical advisers with Raising Voices, a proven and innovative GBV awareness raising approach. She is an engaging facilitator on various topics including Caring for Child Survivors training, developing referral pathways and standard operating procedure, GBV Information Management System (GBVIMS) and other topics. Samrawit consistently seeks opportunities for learning, exposure and experience, seeking to continue her work to improve the lives of the most at-risk populations.